
Darko Pekar , CEO at AlfaNum doo

Bilateral Meetings

  • 2th July(11:00-13:00)
  • 2th July(14:00-17:00)

AlfaNum” was founded in 2003, originating from an existing project at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN), Novi Sad, related to speech technologies. During the nineties, the project was financially supported by “Saga”, principal system integrator in Serbia. “Saga” is among the co-founders of “AlfaNum”, together with the FTN project leader, Vlado Delić, and key researcher Darko Pekar.
This team of experts has been carefully expanded for 10 years. “AlfaNum” still has tight cooperation with FTN, participates in joint projects with FTN and engages associates employed there.
To date, “AlfaNum” has developed software components for speech recognition and synthesis in Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian and Hebrew. In the field of speech technologies “AlfaNum” is the indisputable leader in the Western Balkans.
Besides core speech components, “AlfaNum” develops call centres, basic interactive voice response (IVR) systems and other speech-enabled solutions. It offers end solutions as well as speech enabled modules to be embedded into other systems. Almost all applications of speech technologies in the Western Balkans, related to Serbian, Croatian and Macedonian, are achievements of “AlfaNum” (see References at

Country: Serbia

Organization Type: Company

Organization Size: 1-10

Founding Year: 2003

Phone: 021/4750204


City: Novi Sad 21000,Trg Dositeja Obradoviça br. 6 Google map

Areas of Activities



    products for disabled

    Speech technologies help the disabled overcome their disabilities to a certain degree, enabling them to become more independent and perform tasks they were not able to do before. The primer applications in Serbian-speaking community were created for the visually impaired, for whom a number of aids have been developed

    Keywords: anreaderspeech portalsaudio libraryadding speech features to web sites
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Technical co-operation
    2. License agreement
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Technical co-operation
    2. Sales / Distribution

    Advertizing monitor

    Advertising monitor is a system intended for automatic monitoring of advertisements and musical content in radio and TV stations.
    Specified sound recordings are automatically recognized in the received signal and the exact moments of their appearances are logged. Users can get detailed reports on the broadcasting of any audio material, automatically generated by the system based on recognition data.

    Keywords: advertismentsmonitoringTV stationsradiocommercials
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Technical co-operation
    2. License agreement
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Sales / Distribution


    Voice Dial is a system which effectively replaces the telephone operator. It is a fully automated system which, in communication with the existing PBX, transfers calls to appropriate extension within the organization or to the outside. It can be used by employees of the organization, but also by external callers.
    System user (employee, external caller) using his phone calls a predefined number, for example 99,after which he gets the answering machine asking him the name of the person he would like to call. By saying out the name of the individual/department, the user is redirected to corresponding extension.

    Keywords: IVRoperatorPBX
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Technical co-operation
    2. License agreement
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Sales / Distribution

    IVR and call center

    AnDialer is a solution designed specifically for users in need of efficient and simple systems for handling telephone campaigns. It is a system that allows issuing calls to pre-defined contacts and conducting surveys. AnDialer requires properly configured IP telephone software.

    Keywords: IVCcall centersAnDialerIP PBX
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Technical co-operation
    2. License agreement
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Sales / Distribution

    Audiomemo recording system

    Audiomemo recording system is a multi-channel device for recording telephone conversations (locally or on a public network), radio and ambient sounds. In addition to recording, Audiomemo enables archiving and search through audio recordings obtained in this way.

    Keywords: audiomemocall loggerdigitalanalogIP
    Cooperation Offered
    1. License agreement
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Sales / Distribution

    speech technologies

    speech synthesis and recognitions software components.

    Keywords: TTSASRword spotter
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Technical co-operation
    2. License agreement
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Technical co-operation
    2. Sales / Distribution